Waddle and Learn

At 12 months old our infants move up to the Waddler classroom. This classroom focuses on helping the children understand the world around them. With dramatic play, a library and lots of fine and gross motor activities, children learn all about life through their environment. This age group learns basic life skills such as holding their own silverware, hand-eye coordination and social- emotional connections.

The curriculum is based off of the children’s needs and interests. This keeps the children active and touches all bases of early learning.  When young children have a chance to dig deep into something they are interested in, you can see them making connections and really understanding the process.

Art Classes

Look into the eyes of a young child and see the sparkle

Special Education

Look into the eyes of a young child and see the sparkle

Activity Rooms

Look into the eyes of a young child and see the sparkle

When kids begin to explore their talents and specialties, one of the areas some may excel in is painting. Even though painting may not be every childs cup of tea, it sure does have benefits that both you and your child can learn from together.